Association Integration Europe-East Partner of the international economic conference

Representatives of the Kielce city and the Association Integration Europe-East signed an agreement on cooperation during the preparation and implementation of the Polish-Ukrainian conference entitled: ,,Join in! Polish-Ukrainian cooperation for reconstruction and strategic partnership”, which will promote the inclusion Świętokrzyskie companies in the process of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and will contribute to the development of both countries, especially in the area of economy and trade. The conference will be held on November 21 in Targi Kielce.

Thanks to the established cooperation, the Association will participate in the preparation of the conference program, ensure the participation of Representatives of the Association during the event, including in the knowledge zone dedicated to entrepreneurs, support the recruitment of participants and promotion of the event, and many others.

The Association Integration Europe-East has been operating in Kielce since 2010. The organization is created by a group of enthusiasts, Poles and Ukrainians. The organization has completed hundreds of projects and initiatives of international importance (including those co-financed or supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Education, the Senate of the Republic of Poland, the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Kiev, the Department of Trade and Investment Promotion in Kiev) - mainly in Ukraine, but also in cooperation with Germany, Georgia, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey. Since 2019, they have been running an Information Point for Foreigners in Kielce, which provides comprehensive educational and integration support to non-EU foreigners staying in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, and is financed by the Migration and Integration Asylum Fund.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the Association was strongly involved in organizing and coordinating aid for refugees from Ukraine and preparing humanitarian transports for our partners in Vinnytsia.

This year, in which we celebrate the 65th anniversary of cooperation between Kielce and Vinnytsia, SIEW financially and substantively supports, among others: a campaign to provide 2,000 children from Vinnytsia with reflective bracelets. Wearing them during long power outages on unlit streets increases the safety of Ukrainian children. In addition, the Association was involved in organizing the stay of members of the General Board of the State Police in the Vinnytsia Oblast and the representation of the Vinnytsia City Council at the POLSECURE fair, conducting a study visit of representatives of the Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics in our city, and preparing the open-air artistic event "Kielce-Winnica. Świętokrzyskie 2023” with the participation of seven artists from the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship and seven artists from Ukraine, and the organization of the celebration of Ukraine's Independence Day in Kielce.

Source: Miasto Kielce

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