Meeting with the writer Max Kidruk in Kielce

The long-awaited meeting with the writer Maks Kidruk in Kielce!

Date: October 26, 5:00 p.m

Place: Information Point for Foreigners Sienkiewicza Street 78A

Co-organizer: Association Integration Europe-East

Participation at the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory:


Ukrainian writer, science popularizer and publisher Maks Kidruk will visit Kielce as part of a European tour promoting the novel " Cologne "- the first book in the science fiction series "New Dark Ages".

During the meeting, Maks Kidruk will talk about the "foundation" of history - political and climatic changes on Earth at the beginning of the 22nd century, scientific and technological progress, development of medicine, and the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war. We will also talk about the colonization of Mars and the social cataclysms that will hit the colonies on the Red Planet with over a hundred thousand people.

"This is a fantasy with a hard realistic and scientific basis, in which I depicted one of the worst scenarios of the future. And you probably won't like him. But I deliberately start this conversation, so that the fictional picture does not become reality", - this is how the author himself talks about the event.

Additionally, Maks Kidruk presents non-fiction books from the " Bearded Tamarin" publishing house and the story of how to launch a successful publishing house in Ukraine during a full-scale invasion.Ukraine during a full-scale invasion.

After the presentation, you will be able to buy the novel "The Colony" and other books by the publisher, get an autograph and take a photo.

Language of the event – Ukrainian


Partner: charity foundation " Library country" 

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