Together We Can Do More - First Edition of the Activation Program for Foreigners for 2022-2023

On August 23, 2022, a contract was concluded between the Ministry of Family and Social Policy and the Świętokrzyskie Province - the Provincial Labor Office in Kielce for the implementation of the project entitled "Świętokrzyskie for the integration and professional activation of foreigners".

The project was selected for implementation, as a result of the competition "Together we can do more - First Edition of the Activation Program for Foreigners for the years 2022–2023", announced by the Minister of Family and Social Policy.

The project for which the Minister of Family and Social Policy granted co-financing from the Labor Fund reserve in the amount of PLN 1,059,750 is implemented by the Provincial Labor Office in Kielce together with the County Employment Office in Kielce and the  Association of Integration Europe - East .

The main goal of the project, the implementation of which was planned by the end of 2023, is the integration of foreigners with the Świętokrzyskie labor market through comprehensive advisory and living support. The project will be an attractive offer not only for Ukrainian citizens, but also for other foreigners legally residing in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, with particular emphasis on women, youth and children.

The project provides for support in the field of social integration for 1,200 third-country nationals, including 800 people will be citizens of Ukraine who came to Poland after February 24, 2022 as a result of hostilities and find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Key activities in the project:

  • Stationary and mobile information point and helpline for foreigners. Here, in addition to psychological and counseling assistance, you will be able to obtain comprehensive information, among others on the legalization of stay in Poland, the functioning of the Polish social and educational system, healthcare, tax and legal requirements. The assistance will also include assistance in satisfying basic living needs, through, inter alia, access to the online housing base in the voivodeship and free translation services.
  • Polish language courses for organized groups of foreigners at various levels of advancement.
  • Cyclical integration activities and individual support, in the form of, inter alia, cultural workshops, sightseeing tours presenting the values of the region, youth discussion forums, activation workshops in non-governmental organizations, entrepreneurship workshops, consultations with a psychologist. The project also provides for the organization of an international conference for employers and foreigners, emphasizing benefits for employers from employing foreigners.

In addition, 50 Ukrainian citizens - participants of the project - will benefit from professional counseling supporting career planning and assimilation with the Polish labor market, as well as employment services - assuming, inter alia, direct contacts with employers, access to job offers and expert support of employment agents.

Source: Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Kielcach

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